Friday 10 December 2010


-Punk street style started in London in the mid 1970's .
-It was music movement that took the name punk
-Generally are dark persons.
- They wear heavy dr. martens shoes, neck chains, basically black clothes-leathers, studs,mufti fabrics,t-shirts, animal prints. / Actually they cut up old clothes- they destroy the fabric so they can attract attention from the making garments designers. This fashion shocked a lot because it was something really unusual for those that they had never seen it before.
-They might do body piercings in other parts than the usual ones. Also the facial piercing for example eyebrows,cheeks,lips was unusual even unusual after 60's
-From where did punk succeeded as a style : Vivienne Westwood and Malcolm McLaren (Sex Pistols)
-Hair : the hairstyles that they do include sugar,water solutions,gelatine,hairsprays, gel, pva glue,soaping.- colour: pink,green,blue, -over bleaching .
-Music: rock, hard rock, punk rock (bands: the ramones, talking heads, blondie etc.)

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